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LDmicro Forum - PIC Downloader with usb to serial problem

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PIC Downloader with usb to serial problem (by iswahyudi)
I am sorry. but I need help with my downloader.
I have a problem when I connect my downloader with
usb to serial from notebook. my notebook has no
serial port. please help me.
Sat Feb 18 2012, 07:26:57
(por iswahyudi) (by Calubert)
Hola tendrás que colocar un cable usb a puerto con serial.
se tiene que ver el sistema operativo de tu computadora.
los cargadores Para pic algunos no necesitan puerto serie ya que ban con usb.
te adjunto.
Este grabador funciona con todos los sistemas operativos siempre que ejecutes los driver para tu sistema.
迷你型 TL866 通用编程器-->性能介绍
Mini programador universal TL866 -> Introducción al rendimiento
Mini TL866 Universal Programmer --> Performance Introduction
Mon Apr 23 2018, 03:47:56
(no subject) (by MGP)
Which programmer do you have?
Many serial (RS232) programmers require at least + 10V -10 volt signals.
Those serial to USB converters only have a 5v output.
Mon Apr 23 2018, 05:39:41
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