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LDmicro Forum - IR frequency and ladder logic

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IR frequency and ladder logic (by Prof Babaji Ghule)
Respected Sir,
How to programme the microntroller using ladder logic if the input is given by TV remote.
Kindly waiting for reply.

Thanking You.

Sat Nov 18 2017, 11:14:08
(no subject) (by Ziggy)
A broad question involving many issues,

First issue... do you have a receiver which will receive and output the data stream transmitted by the remote controller?

Second issue do you know the format of the data stream?

What is the bit rate of the data stream?

What will be the necessary loop time of the LDmicro software in order to be able to decode the data stream?

I think you will find LDmicro is not the good choice.

I recommend either C or assembler as the options.
Sat Nov 18 2017, 16:02:40
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